
ThistestwilllistDNSrecordsforadomaininpriorityorder.TheDNSlookupisdonedirectlyagainstthedomain'sauthoritativenameserver.,WithDNSlookup,youcanfindtheDNSrecordforanydomainnameorsubdomain.Whenyouenterthedomain,itwillshowalltheDNSrecordsthatareconfigured ...,UsingClouDNSFreeNSlookuptoolyoucanchecktheDNSrecordsforaspecifichostwithouttheneedfortechnicalknowledge.Testitnow!,Freeonlinenetworktools,inc...

DNS Lookup Tool

This test will list DNS records for a domain in priority order. The DNS lookup is done directly against the domain's authoritative name server.

DNS records for network

With DNS lookup, you can find the DNS record for any domain name or subdomain. When you enter the domain, it will show all the DNS records that are configured ...

Free NSlookup Tool

Using ClouDNS Free NSlookup tool you can check the DNS records for a specific host without the need for technical knowledge. Test it now!

Free online network tools

Free online network tools, including traceroute, nslookup, dig, whois, ping, and our own Domain Dossier and Email Dossier. Works with IPv6.

NS Lookup

Our NSLookup tool is one of the most dynamic tools, with unlimited queries and the most detailed information at no cost. Other tools limit the no. of queries, ...


Online nslookup is a web based DNS client that queries DNS records for a given domain name. It allows you to view all the DNS records for a website.

NsLookup Online Tool - DNS Lookup Tool

NsLookup Tool. Query a DNS Domain Name Server to lookup and find DNS Records and IP address information. To lookup a DNS Record for an Host, simply enter ...

nslookup 工具使用說明

nslookup 是常見的DNS 記錄查詢工具,在許多作業系統上都有提供。 本文以Windows 系統的操作方式作為範例,使用者可於Windows 中的【命令提示字元】執行nslookup,基本 ...

QuickSetDNS 1.15 快速更換DNS小工具

QuickSetDNS 1.15 快速更換DNS小工具
